Time to Muse

I'm Kim...Mommy to Skyler, Lucas and Casey. I am a homeschooling Mom...with an extra challenge: my daughter, Skyler, has Spinal Muscular Atrophy, Type I (SMA, Type I). I'm home pretty much 24/7, and as of late, I've decided that I needed to find an outlet for my thoughts, feelings...musings :) Not that I have anything profound to share with others...really, I don't. But I thank you for stopping by...and sharing some Time with me :)

Location: MA

Monday, April 17, 2006

Hey There!

Okay, so this is my first blog entry...and even though, as the title of this blog states, it's Time to Muse, I'm not quite sure what I should Muse about at this time :)

My name is Kim...or MommaKim, MommyKim or just plain Mommy. I have three children, one of whom lives with the disease Spinal Muscular Atrophy, Type I (SMA, Type I). SMA is a pretty darn serious disease, and my daughter, Skyler, has the most severe form. Sky was diagnosed at the age of 8 weeks, and was given just months to a year to live. The local docs didn't want to do anything for her...they offered us no options, other than palliative care (which is letting "nature take its course"). For us, that was not an option for our daughter at the time. We combed the internet, reached out to families and eventually found a treatment plan that worked for her. Sky turned 5 years old on Tuesday! So much for diagnoses based on diseases alone. Sky is just cruising down her own path and we're just going along for the ride :)

I just turned 40. A milestone. A BIG milestone. I, along with my fantastic husband, care for Skyler 24/7...we have no nursing. I also homeschool my other two children, which I really enjoy. Honestly, I do. We're literature-happy in this family and we base the majority of our curriculum around the literature we read. It's great. Of course, it can be trying at times, homeschooling three kids (one of whom is basically non-verbal, with little movement...but very, very bright!), but I do enjoy it. I like my kids. I really do. But as 40 rapidly approached...and then zoomed by me, catching me, firmly, in its grip, I realized that I needed to start doing something for me. I don't mean personal vacations, days at the spa or kickboxing courses...just something that allowed my mind to travel...expand...and express itself. Thus...this blog :)

So, here I am. Welcome. If anyone happens to read this...enjoy it as much as you can. I like visits (especially ones via the net, so that I don't have to clean my house!). Email me if you want. The computer is my friend, sort of like a Siamese Twin :) It's also my doorway to the outside world...and it is almost always open!
